Monday, April 2, 2012


My friend was talking to me the other day about how his brother would always tell on him. I thought about it, and not once did my brother ever snitch on me. We would fight, rip each other's hair out, call each other names (the only one that made him mad was butt-butt) and generally just hate one another, but we never snitched. I know he's got real good dirt on me, but even when he's raging so he hard his face turns red, he won't rat me out. I think that's part of what a good friendship is, putting the people you care about above your immediate concerns no matter how mad you are at them.

Anyway, I thought about that and it made me proud. My brother and I still get mad at each other, but we're pretty freaking tight, and I can say the same thing about a lot of my friends. I'm glad to have all of them around.


  1. Same here man, my brothers and me would fight back as kids but we would tell each other off.

    Also, dat background...

  2. Nice to have someone to get up to no good with and know there not gonna drop you in it!

  3. I'm an only child, so I always missed out on this tattling thing! One time I broke my aunt's candle, seran wrapped it together, and blamed it on my cousin, but it just wasn't the same...

  4. If my brother tattles on me, he punishes me for doing something wrong and my brother for tattling on me.

  5. You and your brother have a great relationship then, at the end of the day, your still brothers.

  6. ha... my sister snitched on me on the little things, but when things get serious we hold together... and i love her for it.
    bros and sis are worth living for (not only the blood relatives)

  7. i dont get these siblings hating each other. my sister and I have a great relationship and how redcell said bros and sis are worth living for

  8. Good stuff.!/MemeDoctor
